Tlogosari Village Hall and Posyandu Nusa Penida 4 Tlogosari Village, Tlogowungu District, Pati Regency, Central Java – a monodisciplinary work program has been implemented by Universitas Diponegoro Team II KKN students in the form of education on the use of an Arduino UNO-based automatic height measuring prototype along with prototype trials. This prototype was made by Rahmawati Husnul Khotimah Wulandari from the Automation Engineering Technology Program, Vocational School.

This prototype was created to help posyandu cadres collect height data for children in Tlogosari Village to support the Stunting Prevention program in Tlogowungu District, especially in Tlogosari Village. As is known, Tlogosari Village is recorded as the village with the most stunting cases in Tlogowungu District, Pati Regency. It is hoped that with this prototype, data collection on children’s height can be carried out efficiently so that it can help make things easier for posyandu cadres.

This prototype was made using an Arduino UNO type microcontroller and also a Utrasonic Sensor as the main brain of this prototype. Ultrasonic sensors are sensors that function to convert physical quantities (sound) into electrical quantities and vice versa. The way this sensor works is based on the principle of the reflection of a sound wave so that it can be used to interpret the existence (distance) of an object with a certain frequency. The Arduino UNO itself is the main control of the circuit path so that the sensor can work as it should.

The way this prototype works is that the children whose height will be measured can stand right under the ultrasonic sensor that has been installed in place. Next, place a flat surface above the head to focus the sensor reflection so that it doesn’t go anywhere, then the LCD screen will show the child’s height so you can know how tall the child is.

Later this prototype will be given to the Tlogosari Village Posyandu which will be handed over by the Head of Tlogosari Village as a representative of the Tlogosari Village Posyandu Cadre.

Even though it is designed to help simplify the process of measuring body height, this prototype cannot yet be used as a main measuring tool because there are still many of these prototypes that need to be repaired and calibrated first so that it can be used as a main measuring tool. The hope is that this prototype can help the measurement process by still comparing it with the measurement results from manual tools, and help speed up the measurement process.

Writer :
Rahmawati Husnul Khotimah Wulandari, Automation Engineering Technology Student, Vocational School, UNDIP

Supervisor :
Edi Prayitno, S.Pt., M.Si
Juang Abdi Muhammad., S.AP., M.AP
Mochamad Rizki Fitrianto., S.AP., M.AP
Dr. Heni Rizqiati, S.Pt., Msi