World Invention Competition and Exhibition (WICE) 2020 is one of the most important Asian events dedicated to innovation. The 2020 edition started on Saturday, September 12, with partnership collaboration between Indonesian Young Scientist Association (IYSA), SEGi University and Colleges, Subang Jaya Campus, Malaysia, WIIPA (World Invention Intellectual Property Associations) and MIICA (Malaysia Innovation, Invention and Creativity Association) More than 100 teams from 12 countries in the world (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippine, Thailand, Vietnam, Argentina, Turkey, Belarus, Brazil, Palestina, Uni Arab Emirates, and South Korea) joining this international event. The objectives of this event are: • Provide a platform for invention and innovation event to develop a creative mind and spirit for young talented students. • Develop the skills of scientific research and interest in innovation and invention among young talented students. • Exchange invention and innovation experiences through common interest between students regardless of their nationality. There are 6 categories in WICE 2020 such as Applied Life Science, IT and Robotics, Applied Physics and Engineering, Innovative Social Science, Environmental Science, and Others. Every team that registered in WICE 2020 must submit abstract, extended abstract, poster, and video that will be published in the virtual booth at our website. In judging session that was held on September 12 and 13, 2020, every team must present their project for 10 minutes and answered the questions from 2 judges. Finally, the awarding ceremony was held on Friday, September 18, 2020, announcing the winners of WICE 2020. There were many awards for the best teams such as: 1. Gold medals, silver medals, bronze medals from IYSA 2. Special award from SEGI, MIICA, and WIIPA 3. SEGI GRAND AWARD 4. MIICA Semi Grand Award and MIICA GRAND AWARD 5. The best invention award from IYSA And of course 6. IYSA SEMI GRAND AWARD AND IYSA GRAND AWARD Innovation: Development of an Android Based Prototype Application (Q-day) to Overcome Health Problem during Covid-19 Pandemic for High School Adolescent. Our focus is to prevent the Health Problem that arises during the quarantine, such as Physical Health Problem and Mental Health problem (fear and anxiety of covid-19, change in dietary habit, bad sleep cycle) by making a prototype application to educate, remind, and guide a user to maintain their health during the covid-19 pandemic. Our main features such as covid-19 health educational infographics, physical activities guide features, dietary habit guides features, sleep cycle guide features, and cleaning guide features. We add these features, based on the needed of society that admit they usually stay at home, rarely doing physical activity and do not consume a portion of healthy food. We get the data from requirement analysis questionnaire. So we hope, with all features on our prototype apps (Q-day), it can help people especially high school adolescents to keep and maintain their health by using our prototype apps. Team: Ardan Chrisyufa ( Teknologi Rekayasa Otomasi, Sekolah Vokasi) 2020
Eva Noor Fitriana ( Teknik PWK, Teknik) 2020 Diki Fahrizal ( Teknik Geologi, Teknik) 2020 Iqbal Nur Arif ( Teknik Mesin, Teknik) 2020 Shelly Ardila ( Kesehatan Masyarakat, Kesehatan Masyarakat) 2020 Award: Silver medal at IT and Robotics