If young people who have studied in school consider themselves too high and smart to merge with society who work with hoes and only have simple ideas, then it is better not to give education at all –Tan Malaka
From the quote above, we as intelligent creatures should think, what is the real education that we have received so far? Or maybe the education we have got has no benefits at all?
Community service is an embodiment of the Tri Darma of Higher Education. Let us think about it, as students, we can assess the extent of our abilities and potential as agents of change, agents of change for a nation. Students are young intellectuals who (should be) at the forefront of improving the condition of the nation, their real contribution can be seen from the application of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely education, research and community service.

The Automation Engineering Technology Study Program does not want to be left behind in contributing to community service. Located on Maron Beach, Semarang City, Central Java. Students of Automation Engineering Technology took the initiative to clean up the trash on the maroon beach and plant mangrove trees as a form of concern for nature preservation.
Natural sustainability is the life support for the community so that they can live comfortably and safely from natural disasters. Environmental preservation is a tangible form of community service to mutually protect the environment for the survival of all elements of life on earth.